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Grace UM Church Staff Members
Pastor: Rev. Nelson T. Thayer

Director of Lay Ministries:  Barb Dittman

Secretary: Brittany Adams

Finance Secretary: Eva Palmer
Custodian: Bill Lamberton
Organist: Joseph Emanuele

Grace Worship Services

Services are available on YouTube and our website

Sunday 8/25/2024 Sunday School @ 9:00 AM

Sunday 8/25/2024 Service @ 10:00AM

Rev. Nelson T. Thayer

Ordinary Time

Sermon: Reaching Out While Holding On
Scripture: 1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43  NRSV 

Ushers: Tom Peebles and Judy Guyton

Greeter: Jo Lauer

* Hymns:

      “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise #103

            Psalter: Psalm84  # 804

Sunday School for Adults: New Space

You are invited to the 9:00 Adult Sunday School Class which will now meet in a more convenient space: the former Kindergarten room in the hallway off the sanctuary and just beyond the “Pastor’s Office.”

Looking Ahead

Sunday August 25

10:00 am

Morning Worship

Monday, August 26

10 am – 3 pm

Quilters at the Church (call Cindy Fultz, 814-673-5058 to confirm the meeting times).

6-8 pm

HOPE 21 Boutique open

Wednesday Aug 28

Church Office closed – Training at Conference Center

4:30-7:00 pm

T.O.P.S. meets in church basement

Thursday August 29

11 am – 1 pm

HOPE 21 Boutique open

Sunday September 1

10 am

Morning Worship

Remember! Worship Time returns to 10:45 on Sept. 8!

Coming Up! “Congregational Conversation” Sept 15 after worship.

ATTENTION:  Adult Sunday School on summer break.


Worship in person or online!

“Reaching Out While Holding On” – August 25

Ordinary Time


This week’s Sunday worship will begin at 10:00 am (summer hours)



Preaching Text: 1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43  NRSV 

Like his father David before him, Solomon was a complex character whom the Bible both praises for his faithfulness and excoriates for his apostasy. David had an adulterous, murderous, and nearly disastrous “episode” with Bathsheba. And as a result, a civil war broke out between David and his sons that nearly destroyed the kingdom.

Likewise, Solomon had moments of faithful genius – as when he asked God for the wisdom to govern (last week’s preaching text), or when he built the first Temple and moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (this week’s preaching text). But the King who presided over “the Golden Age” of ancient Israel, was also the one who laid the foundation for the permanent division of the kingdom into “Israel” and “Judah” – and could (arguably) be charged with the ultimate demise of the nation. All because of his unfaithfulness (according to the Bible).

Solmon’s big mistake was that he got married. Well… not exactly that he got married the first time; it was the 699 times that followed it (1 Kings 11:3) – not to mention the 300 concubines he kept – that got him into trouble! He liked to make political alliances with neighboring tribes and nations – and to “seal the deal” by taking one (or more) of his adversaries’ princesses as his wife/ concubine. These “political brides” didn’t exactly “marry for love,” so it was natural that they refused to abandon their native customs – and religions – when they moved to Jerusalem to be with their “husband.“

These idolatrous wives “turned Solomon’s heart away” from the LORD and he “went after” Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the “abomination of the Ammonites” (1 Kings 11:4-5).

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD, as did David his father.” (1 Kings 11:6)

In Sunday’s preaching text (1 Kings 8: 41-43) Solomon prays to the LORD at the dedication of the Jerusalem Temple, asking that God would hear the prayers of the “foreigners” who will come to see the Temple and worship there. In essence, Solomon says, ‘This will draw strangers to the LORD from far and near – the Temple will be a great tool for showing the world that the LORD is the greatest of all gods and that they should worship Him.’ The prayer in verses 41-43 is a highly unusual voicing of a great king’s desire to bring others to the Living LORD.

But despite his good intentions, it was Solomon who changed his religious allegiance – not the “foreigners” that he brought to Jerusalem.

Solomon’s saga is a good reminder for us, today, to be careful to nurture and practice our faith in the LORD even as we reach out to others. It serves neither us, nor those we seek to help, if we “let go” of our lifeline when we extend our hands to those in need. Reach out we must. Hang on we must. The balance between the two can sometimes be tricky.





Happy Birthday & Anniversary to our Grace Family this week! Although some of these members may have been absent from our lives for a while, let us take a moment to stop and remember them in prayer on their special day.

August 25

Vicki McDonald

August 26

Chris Gegogeine

Dale/Debra Bennett

Jack/Karen Warner

August 27

Gail O’Neil

Doug Webber

Bryan Ziegler

August 28

Bailey/Danielle Cyphert

Brian/Sarah McDonald

August 29

Jeff Heeter

Jeff Whaley

September 1

Bob Taylor

Doug/Kim Eberle




There are four (Greek) words commonly used in the New Testament to describe the Christian Church:

Ecclesia ‒ the “called out” assembly or congregation

Koinonia – the fellowship, association, community, or “communion”

Diakonia – the ministry of all who work to promote the cause of Christ

Marturia – those who testify (witness) to the divinity of Jesus Christ


The Church is composed of people who have been “called” (by God) to be different from the rest of the people around us. We don’t deliberately try to be different – or take pride in our “different-ness.”  But our emphasis on the Sovereignty of the Father, the saving work of the Son, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit naturally make us unlike others who seek wealth, fame, or pleasure as their life goals.

The Church is also a “fellowship” – a group of believers who develop deep personal relationships. In a Church community that functions as God intended, believers instruct each other, encourage, and support each other, and share each other’s mission. It’s much more than a “club,” because the life we share in this community is the life we receive from Jesus Christ.

We are also the “deaconate” – those who take the strength and knowledge we have received in the “ecclesia” and the “koinonia” and use it to edify (build up) to those who are not members of the Body of Christ. I once served a congregation that hung a sign on the inside of the main doorway; the sign read “Servants’ Entrance to the World.” How true! The Church exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.

And the Church is a living witness to the Person and Work of God (through Jesus and the Holy Spirit).Through our words and actions we articulate the Good News (Gospel) of God’s Love for humanity, His plan to reconcile humanity to Himself and to each other, and the power the LORD gives people to live righteous lives.

These are the four “cylinders” of the Church (if you will allow the metaphor). A well-functioning congregation “runs” on all four of these cylinders. In the coming months – as we prepare for our annual business meeting – the “Charge Conference” – we will be meeting as committees and as the “body-as-a-whole” to plan the ways that Grace UMC will fulfill our Biblical calling. I encourage you to participate boldly in these discussions. Pray about the plans we will make. Meditate on what we need to do together. And share your insights with each other.

We have received the great privilege and joy of being part of Christ’s Church! Let’s embrace it fully and with faith.

‒ Nelson

Barbara Dittman, Director of Lay Ministries

Contact BarB at Grace UM

814-677-3013 Ext. 104

Office hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. - 9:00 - 1:00

BarB's Blurbs!

Celebrations and Get-togethers- On Tuesday, August 20, a group of Grace friends went to Towne Towers to see our wonderful friends!  We had a super time together!  The theme was "At the Beach!"  The Beach Boys CD was playing in the background as we shared crazy beach jokes, tossed a beach ball to each other, and blew bubbles.  Some of us even tried to dance to the music!  We told different experiences about our times at the beach!  We enjoyed eating cookies and ice cream with all the trimmings!  The next time to go to Towne Towers is Tuesday, September 17th from 2:00-3:30!  Please plan to come to share the theme, "School Days!"

We want to thank Jamie Bastello for sharing her musical talent by singing, "The Lord's Prayer," during the service today! We hope you share in the service again soon.

On Sunday, September 15th, I would like to have the small group choir sing during the church service!  If I have not talked with you and you would like to sing with us, please call me at the church office! Maybe we could sing a favorite hymn!  Let me know!

Secret Prayer Partner Ministry- If you did not receive a form and would like to be a part of our group, please call me at the church office!  On Sunday, September 8th, the forms will be collected, (if you did not give me your form already), and on September 15th after church, the names in envelopes will be exchanged among the participants!  

Who wants to take a road trip to Wesbury, have an ice cream social, and a kick-off to Fall?  I know these social events have happened in previous years and I am excited to help you plan them again! I will be calling you, and/or you can see me in church!  Let's have some fun together! 

Love, hugs, and prayers to all!    BarB

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace!"  Amen.

HOPE 21: “A clothing boutique ministry”

Operating Day: Mondays 6:00pm-8:00pm

Thursdays 11:00am-1:00pm

*Please save your old plastic grocery bags and bring them in to the church to be used for bagging clothing.

Still accepting donations of clothing and accessories such as shoes, boots, scarves, hats, belts, gloves, coats, professional clothing, dance wear, uniforms, socks, jewelry, 

and school/work bags.

Quilting and Fellowship

The Merry Quilters put a beautiful new “old” quilt in the frame on Monday.   This appliqué dogwood quilt top was from the 1950’s and was restored and completed recently by Sue Downing.  Quilters welcome!   Quilters work on many Mondays and other days by chance.   Call Cindy Fultz 814-673-5058 to confirm quilting dates and times.    

A Quarter for your Meter

Your thoughts may be worth only a penny, but your presence at the church during weekdays is worth much more.  Oil City has metered the parking lot behind the church.  Plus, they issue tickets for parking violations. 

Here is the church offer.  On the secretary’s desk is a small bowl with change for the meter.  If short of change, step in, grab a coin, and help the Oil City Parking Authority a dime or quarter at a time, rather than $5.00 as a first-time violator (who was caught).  You are loved and worth every penny, dime or quarter. 

Prayers of Joy and Concern

Health concerns:

Amy, Judy Hards’ sister  

Matt Henderson

Jan Angrove

Josh Keebler

Blaine Beers

Bette Magness

Tom Boocks, Gale Boocks' cousin

David Miller

Jason Cox

Deb Rae Miller

Anita Eberle

Josie McMullen

Don and Sherry Emick

Cork and Carol Nelms

Carson Fennick

Chip & Peggy Nunemaker

Rev. Mark and Vickie Fisher

Bonnie Rihel, Marcia Campbell’s sister

Kathy Flockerzi

Kate Shaffer

Sandra Gagolloti and her sister, Laurie

Gracie Singleton

Sandra Gagolloti’s pregnant niece

Ginny Taylor

Jeremiah Grams

Jim Whaley

Marcia Hannan, sister of Rita Hale

Lily Williams



Leean McCullough and family on the loss of her father, Robin Hart

Tom Spence family on the loss of his father.


Adrianna – HS student at crossroads.


Praise/Announcements of JOY:

Andy, Judy Hard’s nephew



The ministry of Grace Church in our community and around the world.

Bishop: Cynthia Moore-Koikoi (moving to Eastern PA and Greater New Jersey annual conferences) and incoming Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball (coming to us from West Virginia)

District Superintendent: Rev. Deborah Ackley-Killian