Grace UM Church Staff Members
Pastor: Rev. Nelson T. Thayer
Director of Lay Ministries: Barb Dittman
Secretary: Brittany Adams
Finance Secretary: Eva Palmer
Custodian: Bill Lamberton
Organist: Joseph Emanuele |
Services are available on YouTube and our website www.graceoilcity.org
Sunday 7/7/2024 Sunday School @ 9:00 AM
Sunday 7/7/2024 Service @ 10:00AM
Rev. Nelson T. Thayer
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Sermon: Boasting in Our Weaknesses Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 (NRSV)
Ushers: Tom Peebles and Judy Guyton
Greeter: Linda Stine
* Hymns:
“God of the Ages” #698
“Glory be to the Father” #70 |
Sunday School for Adults: New Space
You are invited to the 9:00 Adult Sunday School Class which will now meet in a more convenient space: the former Kindergarten room in the hallway off the sanctuary and just beyond the “Pastor’s Office.”
Looking Ahead
ATTENTION: Adult Sunday School on summer break.
Happy Birthday & Anniversary to our Grace Family this week! Although some of these members may have been absent from our lives for a while, let us take a moment to stop and remember them in prayer on their special day.
July 7
Corie Shiley
July 8
Eric Giles
Paul Myers
Eric Smith
Rob Ziegler
Ryan/Chelsey O’Neil
July 9
Darrell Smith
July 11
Eric Goughler
Bud/Cindy Lilly
Brandon/Rebecca Oakill
Ronald/Melanie Reckner
July 12
Tammy Vandenberg
Gary/Elissa Myers
July 13
Robert P. Wygant
Barbara Dittman, Director of Lay Ministries
Contact BarB at Grace UM
814-677-3013 Ext. 104
Office hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. - 9:00 - 1:00 |
BarB's Blurbs!
Celebrations and Get-togethers - Another get-together is being planned with our friends at Towne Towers! The date is Tuesday, June 16th from 2:00-3:30! We are going to celebrate the birthday of our wonderful country, the USA! There will be games, songs, conversations, and refreshments! Please wear red, white, and/or blue! Rev. Thayer is planning to join in the festivities! There is a signup sheet on the table in the back of the sanctuary! There is no need to bring cookies! Cupcakes, chips, and beverage will be enjoyed by all!
Some packet of notecards with the church's picture on them were purchased! They are available for people to use to send messages to family and friends! If you would like to make a contribution to defray the cost of these notecards, please do so! Thank you!
I would like to welcome Rev. Nelson Thayer and his wife Linda to Grace UMC! The church family and I are excited to have them continue the ministry to show God's love and care to His people! Get ready, get set, and come to see how God can use them and us to share the Gospel with others!
Have a wonderful week! Enjoy the month of July! Summer days and sunshine, too!
Love you all, BarB
St. Joseph’s 85th Annual 4th of July Celebration
July 4th 11 AM – 4 PM
Parish Grounds – 112 Rectory Lane – Lucinda PA
I-80 Exit 60 – Rt. 66 North 10 Miles
Post-Festival Finale – St. Joseph's Liberty 5K Run/Walk – July 6th 8 AM
Lucinda Train Station – 1040 Lander Drive – Lucinda
Clarion County’s Oldest Independence Day Celebration! Traditional all-you-can-eat Chicken & Ham Dinners – Homemade pie & Soup with our famous Homemade Noodles. Games of skill & chance for all ages – Live Entertainment – Festival Food – Bingo. Over $40,000 in Cash & Prizes including several Handmade Quilts, Portable Hot Tub and a $5,000 Grand Prize. Event held Rain or Shine – canopy covered. Handicap accessible. Parking shuttle available. Nearly 2,000 dinners served each year. Dining Room serving 11 AM – 3 PM; Takeouts available 11 AM – 2 PM; Dinner ticket sales open at 10 AM. Adults: $13 Children 6 – 12: $6 Children under 6: Free.Proceeds benefit St. Joseph Catholic School. Come Celebrate!
Info at: 814-226-7288 |
HOPE 21: “A clothing boutique ministry”
Operating Day: Mondays 6:00pm-8:00pm
*Please save your old plastic grocery bags and bring them in to the church to be used for bagging clothing.
Still excepting donations of clothing and accessories such as shoes, boots, scarves, hats, belts, gloves, coats, professional clothing, dance wear, uniforms, socks, jewelry,
and school/work bags. |
Quilting and Fellowship
The Merry Quilters are stitching on Mondays from 10:00am until 3:00pm in the lounge/library next to Grace Hall. Both experienced quilters and and any who would like to become a quilter are invited to join us. Visitors welcome, too! Access to the lounge is currently through the room outside the ladies restroom on the ground floor. Bring a bag lunch if you’d like to join us for lunch at noon. Questions?
Call Cindy Fultz, 814-673-5058. |
A Quarter for your Meter
Your thoughts may be worth only a penny, but your presence at the church during weekdays is worth much more. Oil City has metered the parking lot behind the church. Plus, they issue tickets for parking violations.
Here is the church offer. On the secretary’s desk is a small bowl with change for the meter. If short of change, step in, grab a coin, and help the Oil City Parking Authority a dime or quarter at a time, rather than $5.00 as a first-time violator (who was caught). You are loved and worth every penny, dime or quarter. |
Prayers of Joy and Concern
Medical/Health concerns:
Gale Boocks' cousin, Tom Boocks(dealing with severe dementia and his wife Darla passed away last week.), Bette Magness, Jan Angrove, Lily Williams, Judy Hards’ sister Amy dealing with Scleroderma, Rev. Mark and Vickie Fisher, Jason Cox, Josh Keebler, Don and Sherry Emick, Josie McMullen, Gracie Singleton, David Miller, Blaine Beers, Chip & Peggy Nunemaker,Ginny Taylor, Anita Eberle, Andy, nephew of Judy Hards, (battling colon cancer), Matt Henderson (who is struggling with ALS), Carson Fennick (recovering from motorcycle accident), Jim Whaley (medical tests), Deb Rae Miller (upcoming surgery), Cork and Carol Nelms, Marcia Campbell’s sister, Bonnie Rihel (scheduled for MRI and in a lot of pain), Kate Shaffer (as she progresses through cancer treatment), Kathy Flockerzi cancer treatments, Marcia Hannan, sister of Rita Hale, (for return of cancer), Sandra Gagolloti and her sister, Laurie, Sandra Gagolloti’s, pregnant niece, (was in a car accident).
Marcia Campbell’s cousin, John Reavie has passed away.
Dorothy Heckathorn, sister of Rhonda Cubbon, and family her death on June 16th.
Leeann McCullough’s father, Robin Hart.
Adrianna – HS student at crossroads.
Praise/Announcements of JOY:
Birth of John and Leeann McCullough’s, granddaughter, Lucy Ann McCullough.
The ministry of Grace Church in our community and around the world.
Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi
District Superintendent Rev. Deborah Ackley-Killian |